AI in Visual Merchandising: How Retailers Can Enhance Customer Experience

AI in Visual Merchandising

Visual merchandising plays a crucial role in retail by creating brand personality, enhancing customer experience, and driving sales by effectively presenting and arranging products and displays. It encompasses the strategic use of colors, lighting, signage, and overall aesthetics to capture shoppers’ attention, convey the brand’s identity, and create a visually appealing environment.

By carefully curating product placements and utilizing eye-catching visuals, retailers can create a cohesive, immersive shopping experience that resonates with customers. Visual merchandising helps highlight essential products and promotions and guides customers through the store, optimizing their journey and increasing the likelihood of purchasing.

The Role Of Visual Merchandising In Retail

Creating Brand Personality

Establishing a unique brand personality is crucial for retailers to distinguish themselves from competitors and foster strong connections with their target audience. This involves carefully curating visual elements, such as store layouts, product displays, and online presentations, that evoke emotions and resonate with consumers personally.

A captivating brand personality entices customers to explore more and ensures long-lasting relationships through memorable shopping experiences. One such example is the success of STORY – a retail concept that reinvents itself every few months based on different themes or narratives – where its immersive environment consistently piques consumer interest, driving increased sales and customer loyalty.

Enhancing Customer Experience

Enhancing customer experience has become a crucial aspect of retail success, and AI-powered visual merchandising is at the forefront of this transformation. By incorporating AI technology in-store layouts, retailers can optimize product placement and create captivating displays that attract customers and hold their attention.

For instance,’s personalization engine utilizes customer data to tailor online experiences to individual preferences and purchase history.

Implementing sensory enabling technologies (SETs) is another way AI is revolutionizing the shopping experience for modern consumers. In-store digital solutions like iMirror facilitate virtual dressing rooms, where customers see themselves in various outfits without having to try them on physically – saving time while generating excitement about potential purchases.

Meanwhile, online platforms like Amazon partner with companies such as Hexa to provide personalized product recommendations based on user behavior analytics.

Driving Sales

Implementing AI-driven visual merchandising strategies helps drive brick-and-mortar and online retail sales. Retailers can effectively influence customer decisions and encourage increased spending by optimizing store layouts, product placement, and digital interfaces according to customer preferences and data insights.

Furthermore, personalized product recommendations powered by AI algorithms cater to individual tastes based on purchase histories and browsing behaviors. This tailored approach improves the overall shopping experience and entices customers with items they are more likely to purchase.

Through AI-enabled money mapping techniques that evaluate the performance of website elements or physical store zones, businesses can adopt data-driven layout optimizations that ultimately lead to higher conversion rates and significant revenue growth.

AI In Visual Merchandising

Discover the power of AI in transforming visual merchandising, from improving product recommendations to providing personalized styling assistance that enhances the customer experience.

AI-powered Styling Assistance

AI-powered styling assistance transforms how customers shop by providing personalized outfit recommendations based on individual preferences and styles. Retailers like Puma have already harnessed the power of AI technologies to create unique, customized shopping experiences.

In addition to increasing customer engagement and satisfaction, AI-powered styling assistance can boost sales by helping consumers envision themselves in a complete ensemble.

When customers see appealing styled looks curated just for them, they are more likely to add multiple items from an outfit suggestion to their carts, resulting in increased average order values (AOVs).

Improved Product Recommendations

AI-powered visual merchandising can enhance the customer experience by providing improved product recommendations. With machine learning, retailers can analyze consumer data and create personalized recommendations based on individual preferences and shopping history.

Klevu AI is another platform that provides personalized product recommendations through natural language processing and cloud infrastructure. The search & discovery platform by Klevu has been found to significantly increase revenue per web session for online retailers.

Personalization And Segmentation

Personalization and segmentation are two key benefits of AI-powered visual merchandising for retailers. By leveraging data-driven insights and machine learning algorithms, retailers can tailor their product recommendations to meet individual customers’ specific needs and preferences.

For example,’s personalization engine allows businesses to offer personalized search results, email notifications, outfit recommendations, and category page personalization.

Additionally, segmentation enables retailers to categorize their customers into different target groups based on various criteria such as geography or demographics.

Personalization improves customer loyalty while lifting average order value (AOV), according to Retail TouchPoints’ interview with Jessica Duvall from Puma.

How AI Is Reshaping The Future Of Digital Retail

AI is revolutionizing the digital retail world by providing money mapping, enhanced product information, and sensory-enabling technologies.

Money Mapping With AI

Money mapping with AI is a powerful tool that retailers use to measure the sales performance of their stores based on layout and design. By analyzing data from sensors, cameras, or RFID tags, retailers can identify hotspots, cold spots, and zones within their stores where customer engagement is higher or lower.

For instance, Walmart uses heat maps in-store to track customer traffic and identify opportunities for increasing sales. They placed large screens near the entrance of some stores where customers could see themselves on camera as they walked in.

The system then analyzes how long it takes customers to get from one end of the store to another and which products they look at most frequently during their shopping trip.

With this information, Walmart can optimize its store layout and improve the overall customer experience while increasing basket sizes and driving revenue growth through targeted marketing campaigns.

Enhanced Product Information

With AI in visual merchandising, retailers can offer enhanced product information to their customers. This includes detailed product descriptions, higher-quality images, and videos that showcase the product from different angles.

One example is Walmart’s partnership with Stylitics, which offers personalized style recommendations and outfit combinations for customers based on their purchase behavior.

Using AI-generated outfits featuring products on its website, Walmart provides an enhanced shopping experience for its customers while increasing average order value (AOV).

Sensory Enabling Technologies

Sensory-enabling technologies, such as virtual dressing rooms and product videos, are gaining popularity in retail. These tools allow customers to interact with products in a more immersive way and provide a better understanding of the look and feel of the items they are interested in purchasing. offers on-model imagery, which brings products to life by showing them being worn by models instead of just featuring static pictures. Additionally, Klevu AI provides customers an enhanced search and discovery experience with its visual merchandising landing page builder that allows retailers to easily showcase their best-selling products or seasonal collections.

Benefits Of AI In Visual Merchandising

AI-powered visual merchandising has numerous benefits, including increased customer engagement, improved sales and revenue, and streamlined merchandising processes.

Increased Customer Engagement

One of the key benefits of AI in visual merchandising is increased customer engagement. By using personalization engines and recommendation algorithms, retailers can craft a tailored shopping experience for each shopper.

This presents customers with products they are more likely to be interested in and helps build brand loyalty by demonstrating that the retailer understands their tastes and preferences.

In fact, according to Retail TouchPoints, personalized email campaigns have an open rate of 29% higher than non-personalized ones, showing that customers are more likely to engage when presented with content relevant to their interests.

Additionally, interactive features such as virtual dressing rooms or “shop the look” options allow customers to engage with products deeper and add fun to the shopping experience.

Improved Sales And Revenue

Investing in AI applications for visual merchandising can enhance business sales and revenue. With AI-powered solutions like’s Product Discovery and Recommendation Engine, retailers can provide personalized product recommendations to customers based on their browsing history and buying behavior, leading to a higher chance of conversion and increased order value.

Retail TouchPoints said Bloomingdale’s increased their online conversion rate by 35% after implementing AI-driven merchandising techniques. In addition, Walmart leveraged AI-generated outfits through the Shop the Look feature on their website has led to an increase in basket sizes by almost 10%.

Streamlined Merchandising Processes

AI-powered visual merchandising can streamline the often time-consuming and labor-intensive processes involved in traditional merchandising. With automated inventory management, retailers can more quickly and efficiently place products in the appropriate areas of their stores or websites.

For example, cloud-based inventory software can help retailers overcome store layout design and sales performance issues using RFID technology to track stock counts, point-of-sale data, and heat maps of high-traffic zones or cold spots.

In e-commerce settings, AI tools like Klevu’s category merchandising feature allow retailers to automatically update product lists based on real-time customer behaviors such as clicks or searches while enabling easy integration with popular e-commerce platforms like BigCommerce, Magento, and Shopify.

Real-World Applications Of AI In Visual Merchandising

Learn about real-world examples of AI in action, such as Puma’s AI-powered styling and Amazon’s partnership with Hexa, and see how retailers are revolutionizing visual merchandising to enhance customer experiences.

Puma’s AI-powered Styling

Puma has leveraged AI to enhance its visual merchandising with the help of Stylitics. The AI-powered platform generates personalized outfit recommendations for customers on Puma’s website and post-purchase emails, allowing the brand to increase basket sizes, conversion rates, and session duration.

With data science and AI algorithms in place, Stylitics generates outfit combinations at a scale that would not be possible manually. It can even assist retailers in dealing with excess inventory by strategically placing products where they will attract customer attention.

Plus, Puma intends to expand the use of Stylitics across various facets of their business, including product listing pages and potentially the homepage.

Amazon’s Partnership With Hexa

Amazon has partnered with Hexa, a provider of AI-powered solutions for visual merchandising, product tagging, and image moderation. They aim to revolutionize visual merchandising with AI and enhance the customer experience.

Hexa’s solution can help retailers streamline their site merchandising process by automating product tagging, reducing manual effort, and providing accurate product metadata.

As a result, this will lead to more effective personalization and segmentation and better recommendations based on past purchase behavior or inferred preferences through machine learning algorithms.


With the integration of AI in visual merchandising, retailers can now enhance their customer experience by providing personalized and relevant product recommendations. Retailers can increase engagement, drive sales revenue and streamline their merchandising processes by using AI-powered tools such as’s personalization engine, cart abandonment recovery, and site merchandising solutions.

The future of digital retail lies in AI-driven solutions that reshape how we engage with products online. Retailers must embrace this technology to stay ahead of the game and offer a unique shopping experience that caters to every individual’s needs.


What is visual merchandising, and how does it impact customer experience?

Visual merchandising refers to using visual displays, signage, and product placement to create a memorable in-store experience for customers. It can influence purchasing decisions, enhance brand recognition, and build customer loyalty by creating an environment that engages shoppers.

How can AI be used to enhance visual merchandising?

AI can analyze data on shopper behavior, preferences, and demographics, allowing retailers to tailor their visual merchandising strategies more effectively. It can also automate tasks like inventory management, pricing optimization, and personalized marketing campaigns based on individual shopping habits.

Is investing in AI technology costly for retailers?

While implementing AI technology may require an initial investment, its benefits could outweigh the costs over time by improving operational efficiency, boosting sales revenue, and enhancing overall customer satisfaction, generating more profits for business growth. Additionally, various vendors offer affordable solutions tailored specifically for small-to-medium business owners depending upon need & opportunity size, enabling them to achieve these goals within budget constraints they might have initially faced otherwise without this tremendous opportunity brought forth with new technologies available today!

How Do Technology And AI Contribute To Merchandising?

Technology and AI have revolutionized the way retailers approach visual merchandising. By leveraging data-driven insights, businesses can better understand their customers’ needs and preferences, leading to improved product recommendations and personalization.
AI-powered styling assistants like VueStyle simplify curation processes for collections, while ChatGPT helps eCommerce businesses with customer engagement through natural language processing (NLP).
Sensory Enabling Technologies (SETs) like iMirror create a more immersive shopping experience by allowing consumers to virtually try on clothes. Money mapping with RFID-enabled devices helps optimize store layouts, improve product placement, and conduct A/B testing for visual merchandising strategies that drive sales performance.

What Technology Is Used In Visual Merchandising?

Visual merchandising is an essential aspect of retail that involves creating compelling displays and layouts to enhance the customer experience. Technology is vital in this process, from product photo solutions and catalog management tools to AI-powered styling assistants like VueStyle.
Retailers can use personalization engines to improve product recommendations for individual customers based on their browsing history, purchase behavior, and other data points.
Other technologies used in visual merchandising include RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and AI localization techniques, which help retailers better manage store inventory by monitoring stock counts and tracking consumer movement within the store through heat maps.
The chatbot platform ChatGPT helps automate customer service tasks such as answering common questions about product availability or sizing.

What Are The 4 Elements Of Visual Merchandising?

Visual merchandising is a critical component of retail that involves creating an attractive and engaging display to showcase a store’s products effectively. The four basic visual merchandising elements are store layout, lighting, color, and product placement.
These elements work together to create a customer shopping experience that is both visually appealing and informative. For example, the store layout should guide the customer through the different sections of the store logically while highlighting key products or displays.
Lighting can be used to highlight certain areas or products while also setting the tone for the overall feel of the store. Color plays an essential role in catching customers’ eyes and communicating emotionally, while product placement ensures customers can easily find what they’re looking for and are aware of any promotions or special deals available.

What Does A Digital Visual Merchandiser Do?

A digital visual merchandiser is responsible for creating visually appealing and engaging displays of products on digital platforms. This involves using AI-powered search and product discovery platforms to enhance the customer experience and increase revenue per web session.
They work with machine learning, natural language processing, personalization, headless architecture, and security and cloud infrastructure to optimize product search and discovery.
Digital visual merchandisers also focus on automating merchandising features that allow easy planning, previewing, and fine-tuning of e-commerce landing pages. They use pre-built templates or create their own customized solutions to achieve a brand’s desired look and functionality.
An example of a successful application of this role is Puma’s AI-powered styling assistant, VueStyle, which allows customers to create personalized outfits based on their preferences alongside Puma’s collections.

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